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Hybrid event venue

Why choose Savoy Place for your hybrid event?

Cutting-edge technology
Innovation and connectivity are at the heart of everything we do, and our in-house AV team prides itself on maintaining the highest standards of service for even the smallest of tasks.

Our facilities include:

  • a hard-wired connection for each meeting room to ensure a stable base for your platform of choice
  • HD video conferencing inbuilt into two of our boardrooms plus a mobile unit that can be used in any room
  • Webcasting and HD recording for on-demand viewing

Find out more about our meeting facilities.

Tailored to your needs: No two meetings are identical, but the most successful hybrid events are those that can combine the physical and ‘virtual’ location seamlessly.

From an hour-long consultation to a day-long hybrid conference, we have a tailored package to meet your needs.  

Find out all about our room hire prices as well as any packages or special offers.

Accessibility for all: For those attending your meeting in person, there are no problems getting into the building thanks to our Sesame lift which allows stone steps to retract automatically for wheelchair access.

Extra lifts have been added to help smooth the flow of people through the building.

The difference between virtual and hybrid events

Though nothing can truly replace traditional face-to-face meetings, both virtual and hybrid events can harness the power of technology and bring businesses together, when not everyone can attend in person.

There is, however, a difference between virtual and hybrid meetings that may make one more suitable for you.

Virtual events take place entirely online, with the individual simply taking in information from a speaker in the comfort of their home.

In contrast, hybrid events create an environment where online delegates can interact with speakers at a physical location, continuing the participation of a face-to-face meeting and the professionalism of a commanding venue.

We’ve anticipated some of the questions you might have and provided answers around the delivery of your hybrid meeting at Savoy Place.

Recommended rooms


View our FAQs or contact our Sales Team if you have any questions.

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But don’t just take our word for it...

"Savoy Place and its team enabled Think Different Events to not only deliver a highly successful hybrid conference for our client, it gave a clear insight into how events may look in the future – part live, part virtual.

The knowledge and experience of the filming team, in particular, was of immense value to us."